From the winter semester 2022 Environmental and Climate Protection Technology

ANYTHING BUT A LAME DUCK. Old plastic toys can be disassembled into molecules. These are then reassembled into new plastics – such as rubber ducks.

Duration of Studies

7 semesters Bachelor's Programme
(210 ECTS)

4 semesters Master's Programme
(120 ECTS)

6 semesters Doctoral Programme
(180 ECTS)


BSc, Dipl.-Ing., Dr.mont.

Application Period

from 08 January 2024 to 05 February 2024/span>

Extended Period

from 6 February 2023 to 31 March 2023

Taking to the streets for protecting the environment is great! Increasing the sustainability of how everyday commodities are produced, however, might have an even stronger impact. This is the starting point for our environmental engineers. On an everyday basis, they contribute to mitigating the environmentally adverse effects of industrial production. Not only our daily lives need to be organised in more environmentally friendly ways, but also industrial processes require designs that make sure our great-grandchildren will still be able to enjoy our beautiful nature.

Requirements and interests: what we are looking for

When you decide to take up your studies at a technical university, it arguably goes without saying that you are interested in technology and natural sciences. But there is more to it. If you are inquisitive and creative, if you enjoy scrutinising things and want to contribute to tackling environmental problems, the Industrial Environmental Protection and Process Technology programme is the right choice for you!

During your studies: what to look forward to

Your degree programme is basically the CSI of environmental protection, paired with a healthy portion of technology. Your crime scenes are industrial plants. What do you need for embarking on this journey? You start with a 4-semester foundation course to cover the basics and then dig deeper into the spheres of industrial environmental engineering and process engineering. Your training in analytics, mechanical engineering, toxicology, environmental law and computer simulation follows a multifarious curriculum; it includes working in laboratories, collecting samples in plants or designing economically viable but environmentally sound machines. The environmental systems of water, soil and air, as well as their protection, are another key area of your programme. The ensuing master’s degree provides a framework for specialising in process engineering and focusing on plant development and the design of environment-friendly processes. Alternatively, you can dedicate yourself to waste engineering and waste management – because, as the saying goes, you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. What happens with our waste is of increasing relevance for society.

Following your studies: what to expect

You will be trained as an expert of the future, ready to tackle tomorrow’s challenges and bring a forward-looking perspective to industrial settings. As an environmental engineer from Montanuniversität, you evaluate, analyse and monitor material flows (such as sewage and treatment plants). You may also advise companies on environment-related issues and design measures for improvement. In addition, you make sure that industrial plants comply with environmental laws and regulations. With your degree in Industrial Environmental Protection and Process Technology, you can work for chemical and metallurgic industries, in plant construction or with energy supply firms and waste-disposal companies. You can also join public agencies, NGOs or research institutions.


(German only)

Study Brochure


Programme Director:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Lehner
Chair of Process Technology and Environmental Protection
+43 3842 402-5001