Objectives of the IAMRRI Project

- Creation of a knowledge base about processes and practices in the complex webs of innovation chains in AM.
The knowledge base will be tailored to the requirements of different stakeholders (government, industry, academia and civil participants – ‘quadruple helix’) and user groups (communities of practice, CoP) including all entities involved in AM.
The knowledge base war build-up on a comprehensive literatur research, workshops with AM experts and interview of actors in retrospective additive manufacturing product development cases. Studies on RRI keys showed the interrelation of RRI keys and how the influcene the innovation value chains in AM. All these parts of science work contributed to the development of the framework of the IAMRRI model. Details on the outcomes of the work can be found in the pbulic deliverables D2.4. Read more ......, hear and see more.....

- Development of a dynamic model of webs of innovation value chains in AM based on open innovation considerations and stage-gate approaches.
A dynamic model will be developed in order to simulate and visualize the behaviour of these complex webs under different conditions and to enable a general understanding of potential RRI openings. Additive manufacturing (AM) in the automotive and medical industry will serve as pilot cases to refine and validate the model. The framework of the web of innovation of value chains was the basis for a conceptual model on the interaction of actors and their characteristic in the innovation value chains described by idea generation, product development and product dissemination. The IAMRRI agent based model allows the mathematical simulation of the complex and dynamic web of innovation value chains, taking into account number and type of actors in the innovation system, influence of regulation, standardisation or funding. Data for the agent bases model were derived by use case studies in automotive and medical product produced by additive manufacturing. RRI keys like open access, gender equality and public engagement express the growth in RRI inclination. The RRI capital of the innovation system can also be followed. Read more ......, hear and see more .…

- Strategic guidelines for decision makers for implementation of RRI principles
Lessons learned will provide the basis for strategic guidelines and best practices for implementing RRI principles in the individual value chain positions. The strategic guidelines will advise policy makers and funding organisations on how to stimulate and govern the growth of dynamic webs of innovation value chains by implementing RRI principles. All project learning and observations from all th work was collected and analysed, from the study of the AM innovation system consiting of web of innovation value chains to the simulation results all outcome were taken to derive the guidelines. Read more....