Responsible Research and Innovation


RRI Approach in the IAMRRI Project 

The European approach of – “Responsible Research and Innovation”(RRI) was introduced to turn research and innovation actions in the direction to develop solutions for the societal European grant challenges. RRI as paradigm for orientation to responsibility in innovation asks for being anticipative to future developments, reflect their impact and to develop concepts for being reactive and respond to the challenges of Europe. The concepts of the six RRI keys gives us guidelines, which future challenges should be addressed. The IAMRRI project focussed on the 6 RRI keys which are

  • open access,
  • gender equality,
  • public engagement,
  • science education,
  • govenance and
  • ethical orientation in research and innovation.

The research in the IAMRRI proejct aimed to find the optimal locations for opening for the RRI keys to a innovation system consiting of web of innovation value chains focussing on the case of additive manufacturing. Read more....