The IAMRRI Booklet

The IAMRRI Booklet is a collection of the introdution to the core topics of the IAMRRI project, all extended abstracts of the IAMRRI Future Talk and the summaries of the future discussion. 

The IAMRRI Booklet is available for the public and the open access following the creative commons CC BC-CA. 

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The IAMRRI project team offers the videos of the Future conference for giving open access to the outcomes. Enjoy the videos!  

The main results of the "Future Talk" panel discussions will be presented in short essays. 
Further information on IAMRRI results can be found in the  PUBLICATION area of the IAMRRI webpage. 

In the IAMRRI Future Talk 5 video sessions were recorded.





Webs of Innovation Value Chains (WIVC)

This video explains the investigation and outcomes of the real additiv manufacturing innovation world. From this study the first version of the IAMRRI conceptual model was drafted. In cooperation with AM experts factors for innovation success and RRI were selected. The video shows the presentations on that work. The talks were given by

Geerten Van de Kaa  (Technical University Delft)   "Introduction to WIVC"

Vladimir Sobota (Technical University Delft) "Factors for Additive Manufacturing (AM) Innovation Success"

Toni Luomaranta (Tampere University) "Additive manufacturing actor-stakeholder mapping"

(For information on the panel discussion points see the IAMRRI BOOKLET)




Additive manufacturing in automotive and medical application: Trends, challenges, opportunities and the role of RRI

As part of the IAMRRI project use cases were carried out to study the behaviour in AM innovation in automotive and medical application. In this video you will learn more about the observations of the innovation value chains and the openings for RRI, but also about the research outcomes of the two use cases. The speeches were given by 

Danny Soetanto (Lancaster University) "Introduction to the session use cases"

Elena Sischarenco (Lancaster University) "Participant observations of the automotive and medical use cases"

Giulia Servoli (Centro Ricerche Fiat) "Additive manufacturing in automotive application"

Martin Schwentenwein (Lithoz) " Additive manufacturing in medical application"

Elena Sischarenco (Lancaster University), Toni Luomaranta (Tampere University) "Analysis of innovation cooperations in the IAMRRI use cases"

(For  further information on the panel discussion see the IAMRRI BOOKLET)




From model to simulation: transforming theory and data into the IAMRRI agent-based model (ABM)

This session shows the transition from the AM world to the conceptual model and the developed IAMRRI agent-based model as well as its implementation. The session gives insights to the software code and the simulation results.

Nhien Nguyen (Nordland Research Institute) "Introduction to agent based modelling (ABM) in IAMRRI"

Nigel Gilbert (Centre for Research in Social Simulation, University of Surrey)   "History of SKIN model and its application"

Are Jensen (Nordland Research Institute) "Design of ABM in IAMRRI"

Cristina Ponsiglione (University of Naples Federico II) "Implementation of IAMRRI model"

Enrico Cozzoni (Grado Zero Innovation) "Simulation results on webs of innovation value chains in AM"

(For further information on the panel discussion see the IAMRRI BOOKLET)




Foresight on the AM innovation system in societal context

Within the IAMRRI project a foresight process was carried out to develop future shapes of additive manufacturing and the society. This  session explained the senarios and the relation of the developed senarios to the agent-based modelling. The following talks were held:

Marianne Hörlesberger (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology) "Foresight in IAMRRI"

Andrea Kasztler (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology) "2040 – four future scenarios"

Andrea Kasztler (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Enrico Cozzoni (Grado Zero Innovation), Marianne Hörlesberger (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology) "Innovation phases of the scenarios and modelling"

(For further information on the panel discussion see the IAMRRI BOOKLET)




Responsible research and innovation (RRI) in the innovation system of AM

Responsible Research and Innovation was the central topic in studing the webs of innovation value chains. The investigated research question was: "What are the openings of RRI to these web?". In the IAMRRI project it was concentrated on the RRI key approach, asking who gender equality, open access, ethics, science education and public engagment can be implemented and how these influence the webs of innovation value chains. The following speeches were given: 

Ana Arroyo Munoz (Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation) "Introdution to responsible research and innovation in the innovation system of AM"

Ana Arroyo Munoz (Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation) "Thinking on RRI in your innovation value chain? This is what we learnt."

Andrea Porcari (Association for Industrial Research) "RRI beyond additive manufacturing to other KET sectors"

Alexi Perrino (MATERALIA) "Views of different actors of additive manufacturin innovation system on RRI"

(For information on the panel discussion points see the IAMRRI BOOKLET)