Project idea

The IAMRRI project is designed to:

  • establish a knowledge base and dynamic model of the complex webs of innovation value chains in additive manufacturing,
  • identify the openings they offer for responsible research and innovation (RRI), and
  • provide good practice guidelines.

In-depth investigation of the AM innovation network, accompanied by open stakeholder and foresight processes, will establish a comprehensive knowledge base and thorough understanding of the network’s components, processes and interconnections at a European, national and regional level. This will provide the foundation for building a dynamic model to deepen the understanding of the AM innovation system and to simulate rapidly developing and complex future changes of the network and its crisscrossing value chains.

The results will be made available to the broad open science community, stakeholders and policy makers in order to strengthen research and business and foster the evolvement of other novel innovation networks.The Call SwafS-12-2017 on Webs of Innovation Value Chains and Openings for RRI  under the European Research framework H2020 gave the inspiration for that project.