Public Engagement

The IAMRRI project engaged stakeholder of the additiv manufacturing community by an open Foresight process in the project work. But also stakeholder from policy, public adminstration or civil society were involved. Main action was the development of the IAMRRI Foresight on"The Future of European Society Sssuming Additive Manufacturing as an Important Production Technology." 

This foresight were performed in cooperation with European stakeholder in aditive manufacturing but also stakeholder from representatives from the quatruple helix - saying industry, science and education, civil society and media. For that foresight serveral workshop and meeting with European participants were organisated all over Europe. Approximately 150 stakeholder were involved. Four main scenarios were developed. 

Readmore on foresight process and scenarios  and on the discussion outcomes of the IAMRRI Future Talk.

The IAMRRI project reached the following target groups.

Societal Target Groups and Numbers of Interactions 

Target group Numbers of interaction
Scientific Community (Higher Education, Research) 11.248
Industry 14.319
Civil Society 335
General Public 2962
Policy Makers 205
Investors 30
Media 1025
Customer 681
Others (visitor of social media accounts, webpage, readers of IAMRRI related open access papers, standardisation agencies) 76.198