Please find below data on publications from the periode 2018 to 2021


TITLE: Managing the adoption of additive manufacturing : A systemic manufacturing innovation and sustainability perspective

AUTHOR: Luomaranta, Toni (2022)


Publication date: 08/2026


TITLE: Agent-based Modelling for Responsible Research and Innovation in Additive Manufacturing Innovation Value Chains: From SKIN to IAMRRI Model

AUTHORS: Jensen, A.; Vinogradov, E.; Nguyen, N.
PUBLISHER: Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2021: Critical Issues in Science, Technology‚ and Society Studies, 3.-5.05.2021
Publication date: 11/2021
OPEN ACCESS: DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-855-4-12
ACKNOLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: Effect of surface powder particles and morphologies on corrosion of Ti-6Al-4 V fabricated with different energy densities in selective laser melting

AUTHORS: Pal, S.; Finšgar, M.; Bončina, T.; Lojen, G.; Brajlih, T.; Drstvenšek, I.
PUBLISHER: Materials & Design, Vol. 211, 2021
ACKNOLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: Interorganiszational Collaboration in Innovation Networks: An Agent Based Model for Responsibility Research and Innovation in Addtitive Manufacturing

AUTHORS: Cozzoni E., Passavanti C., Ponsiglione C., Primario S., Rippa P.
PUBLISHER: Sustainability, 2021,13, 7460
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: The effects of locations on the build tray on the quality of specimens in powder bed additive manufacturing

AUTHORS: Pal, S.; Gubeljak, N.; Bonèina, T.; Hudák, R.; Toth, T.; Zivcak, J.; Lojen, G.; Leben, N.; Drstvenšek, I.
PUBLISHER: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 112, February 2021, Issue 3-4, 2021
ACKNOLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: Influence of local heat flow variations on geometrical deflections, microstructure, and tensile properties of 
Ti-6Al-4 V products in powder bed fusion systems

AUTHORS: Drstvenšek, I.; Zupanič, F.; Bončina, T.; Brajlih, T.; Pal, S.
PUBLISHER: Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 65, May 2021
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: Effect of surface powder particles and morphologies on corrosion of Ti-6Al-4 V fabricated with different energy densities in selective laser melting

AUHTORS: Pal, S.; Finšgar, M.; Bončina, T.; Lojen, G.; Brajlih, T.; Drstvenšek, I.
PUBLISHER: Materials & Design, Vol. 211,  2021
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: The IAMRRI Booklet: Future Talk on Innovation in Additive Manufacturing & Openings for Responsible Research and Innovation

EDITOR: B.Kriszt
Publisher: Montanuniversität, 2021
Open Access: Yes,
Acknowledgement: The funding utilized to finance the open access version of this paper stems from the project SeeRRI (grant agreement number 824588) and the project IAMRRI (grant agreement number 788361) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program


TITLE: Context dependent trade-offs around platform-to-platform openness: The case of the Internet of things

Authors: Mosterd, L.; Sobota, V.M.; Van de Kaa, G.; Ding, A.; De Reuver. M.
JOURNAL: Technovation, Vol. 108, 2021
Open access: Yes
Acknowledgement: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Measures in the Additive Manufacturing Webs of Innovation Value Chains

AUTHORS: Kriszt, B., Iturriza- Jimenez, I., Wepner, B.; Kasztler A., Hörlesberger M.
PUBLICATION: STS Conference, Book of Abstracts, 2021
CONFERENCE CONTRIBUTION:19th STS Conference Graz 2021 Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, 3–5 May 2021


TITLE: Responsible research and innovation openings: concept of RRI institutionalization

AUTHOR: Luomaranta, T.
CONFERENCE CONTRIBUTION: Conference: XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating our Common Future", 20.-23.06.2021


TITLE: Factors for metal additive manufacturing technology selection

AUTHORS:  Vladimir C.M. Sobota, Geerten van de Kaa, Toni Luomaranta, Miia Martinsuo, J. Roland Ortt
JOURNAL: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol.32 (9), 2020
PUBLISHER: Emerald Publishing Limited
Open access: yes , DOI 10.1108/JMTM-12-2019-0448
Acknowledgement: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: Characterization of an additively manufactured zirconia ceramic for dental and implant applications 

AUTHOR: Endt, S.Z.
PUBLISHER: Montanuniversitaet , 09/2020
OPENA ACCESS: 3 years after publication date
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: Additive manufacturing innovations: Stakeholders’ influence to enhance sustainability and responsibility

AUTHOR: Luomaranta, T.
PUBLISHER: Proceedings of the XXXI ISPIM Innovation Conference, Innovating in Times of Crisis ISPIM Innovation Conference – Virtual; 7.-10.06.2020
Acknowledgement: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: Responsible research and innovation fostering citizen science in additive manufacturing innovations

AUTHORS: Luomaranta, T.; Sischarenko, E.
PUBLISHER: Citizen Science Conference: Knowledge for Change: A decade of Citizen Science (2020–2030) in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, 14.-15.10. 2020
Acknowledgement: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: Ideas for supply chain innovations: Involving partners in additive manufacturing

AUTHORS: Luomaranta, T.; Martinsuo, M.
PUBLISHER: Proceedings of the EUROMA European Operations Management Association Conference, 28.-30.06 2020
Acknowledgement: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: The responsible learning organization: Can Senge (1990) teach organizations how to become responsible innovators?"

AUTHORSs:  Hansen, J., Jensen, A. and Nguyen, N. (NRI)
JOURNAL: The Learning Organization, 2020, 
PUBLISHER: Emerald Group Publishing
Open acccess: yes,
Acknowledgement: The funding utilized to finance the open access version of this paper stems from the project SeeRRI (grant agreement number 824588) and the project IAMRRI (grant agreement number 788361) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program

TITLE: Sidosryhmien osallistuminen teollisen 3D-tulostuksen innovaatiotoimintaan (Involvement of stakeholders in the innovation value chains of industrial additive manufacturing)

AUTHORS: Luomaranta, T.; Martinsuo, M.
PUBLISHER: Stoori (Production Management Society of Finland newsletter) 3, Sept. 2019
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)



PULBLISHER: Montanuniversitaet
Open access, YES; through the link
Acknowledgement: The funding utilized to finance the open access version of this paper stems from the project SeeRRI (grant agreement number 824588) and the project IAMRRI (grant agreement number 788361) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program


TITLE: Stakeholders’ involvement in additive manufacturing innovations. 

AUTHORS: Luomaranta, T. & Martinsuo, M. 
TITLE OF THE CONFERENCE: Paper presented at the EUROMA European Operations Management Association conference, 17-19 June, 2019, Helsinki, Finland.
PUBLISHER: European Operations Management Association (EUROMA)
Open access: YES; through the above link
Peer reviewed: YES; abstract was peer reviewed
Acknowledgement: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)

TITLE: Liiketoiminnan uudistaminen 3D-tulostuksen innovaatioarvoverkostoissa (Renewal of business in the innovation value chains for 3D printing) 

LINK to the magzine: 

AUTHORS: Martinsuo, M. & Luomaranta, T. 
TITLE OF THE JOURNAL: Promaint (4), 
PUBLISHER Finnish Maintenance Society, Promaint 
Peer reviewed: NO
LINK to the magzine: 
Acknowledgement: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


TITLE: 3D-tulostus: systeeminen innovaatio arvoverkostossa (3D printing: a systemic innovation in a value network)

AUTHOR: Martinsuo, M. 
TITLE OF THE JOURNAL: Stoori (Production Management Society of Finland newsletter) (4), 2018
PUBLISHER: Production Management Society of Finland
Open access: YES, through the  link
Peer reviewed: NO
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


Title: Additive manufacturing in orthodontics

AUTHORS: Fekonja, A.; Rošer, N.; Drstvenšek, I.
PUBLISHER: Materiali in tehnologije 53/2, 2018
OPEN ACCESS: Yes 10.17222/mit.2018.154
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper was written as part of I AM RRI project (“Webs of Innovation Value Chains of Additive Manufacturing under Consideration of RRI”) that received funding under the EC H2020 SWAFT 12-2017 programme (grant number 788361)


Download Public Deliverables

This page offers access to the IAMRRI internal documents, like public deliverables, reports and links to the IAMRRI agent-based software code of the programmed model. If you are interested in tje publications visit the publications menu. 
Within the IAMRRI project a digital conference  named "IAMRRI Future Talk", was held. Videos of the research topics are provided (see Future Talk)

Public Deliverables

D2.1 Literatur Review

Authors: G. van de Kaa, V.C.M Sobota, R. Ott, C.van Beers, D. Soetanto, M. Spring, M. Martinsou, T. Luomaranta, A. Bierwirth
This deliverable presents the result of four extensive literature reviews on factors for innovation success in terms of market, strategic and social impact for additive manufacturing.

Year of Publishing: 2019

Abstract: Four extensive literature reviews on factors for innovation success in terms of market, strategic and social impact for additive manufacturing were performed where the focus lies on three levels of analysis; (inter) organizational, business model, and project.

Key Words: Literature review, economic performance, (inter)organization level, business level, project level, social performance.

Introduction: Additive manufacturing (AM) is not a single technology, it is a bundle of new production technologies offering innovative design and functionality of products and services. Currently there is a large demand
for this way of production. The trend of digitalization additionally supports the application of these technologies. However they are not adopted on a large scale in production lines, some mass customized
products e.g. in medical applications are on the market. In fact, many companies are currently printing devices and products applying AM. These actors use many different technologies and the
question is which of these technologies will eventuallybe selected in the market.......


D2.2 Definitions and Conceptualisations: Intermediary report for project IAMRRI - Webs of innovation and value chains of additive manufacturing under consideration of responsible research and innovation

Authors: G. van de Kaa, Vladimir C. M. Sobota, M. Spring, D.Soetanto, M. Martinsuo, T. Luomaranta, A. Bierwirth, B.Kriszt, N. Nguyen, I. J. Iturriza

Year of Publishing: 2019

Abstract:  This deliverable provides definitions of key concepts used in the IAMRRI project. Also, it provides a list of key factors for AM technology selection and their definitions. 

Key Words: Definitions 

Introduction: This document creates a common vocabulary for the members of the IAMRRI project. The selection of concepts and definitions is based on the final version of deliverable D2.1 and the possible actors and
stakeholders involved in AM, and the list was compiled by manually screening the document for concepts and definitions. Any concept that seemed noteworthy was included, whether it is defined in
the deliverable or not. Most of the definitions are based on the literature, and some rely on definitions by project members.......­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D2.3 Drafts on Web of Innovation Value Chains

Authors: M.Spring, D. Soetanto, M. Martinsuo, T. Luomaranta. G.van de Kaa, V.C.M Sobota, C. van Beers, M.Hörlesberger, A.Bierwirth, B.Kriszt,
Year of Publishing: 2019

Abstract: Presents an initial conceptualization of webs of innovation value chains in AM, building on actor-stakeholder mapping, theoretical concepts of innovation value chains, and relates this to selected factors from prior work.

Key words: Innovation value chain, webs of innovation value chain, actors, stakeholders, network, factors, indicators

Introduction: This report describes and explains the project’s approach to building the underpinning logic and structure for the conceptual model of webs of innovation value chains, in the context of additive manufacturing. Report D 2.1 presented a set of literature reviews from the organisational, business model, and project perspectives. It also presented an initial discussion of social performance and RRI. These reviews collectively identified a large number and range of factors and indicators that may, according to this wide range of literatures, have a bearing on the outcomes of AM innovation activities. Report D 2.2 has given definitions of selected terms found in the literature reviews. This report will build on these to explain how the concepts are brought together, developed and, as appropriate,interpreted for additive manufacturing (AM), in order to conceptualise webs of innovation value chains. It also discusses how various factors characterising these webs can be used as a basis for
subsequent modelling in WP3 and further elaboration and validation in WP4, in our quest to identify openings for RRI.........



Authors: Miia Martinsuo, Toni Luomaranta (Tampere University), Vladimir C.M. Sobota, Geerten van de Kaa, Roland Ortt (Delft University of Technology), Danny Soetanto, Martin Spring, Elena Sischarenco (Lancaster University), Brigitte Kriszt (Montanuniversitaet), Izaskun Jimenez Iturriza, Antonia Bierwirth (Tecnalia), Marianne Hörlesberger, Beatrix Wepner, Andrea Kasztler (AIT Austrian Institut of Technology GmbH)

Year of Publishing: 2022

Abstract: This report summarizes current-state knowledge on the webs of innovation value chains and innovation performance in additive manufacturing. It points out key priorities in the antecedents of different performance indicators and shows tentative evidence of the functioning of IVCs, through innovation examples of automotive and medical sectors.

Key words:Innovation value chain, webs of innovation value chain, actors, stakeholders, network, factors, indicators, RRI

Introduction: This report summarizes current-state knowledge on the webs of innovation value chains (IVC) in additive manufacturing (AM), building upon and upgrading I AM RRI D2.3 (also D2.1 and D2.2) and including feedback and input from practitioners on the real innovation value chains and their webs. The report offers additional details concerning the measures of the antecedent factors and performance indicators relevant to the innovation value chains and possibilities for the openings for responsible research and innovations (RRI). The report builds a foundation for simulating and testing the conceptual model. As the literature offers merely partial evidence on the aspects of the model and also the practitioner interviews have covered partial innovation value chains only, the conceptual model requires further development during the forthcoming phases of the project (in WP3, WP4 and WP5), as indicated in the project plan.........



Authors: Are Jensen, Evgueni Vinogradov, Nhien Nguyen, Jens Ørding Hansen (Nordland Research Institute); Enrico Cozzoni (GZE)

Year of publishing: 2022

Abstract: This deliverable builds on the conceptual model in D2.4 and creates a model that can be implemented as an agent‐based model in D3.2. In practical terms this deliverable identifies existing agent‐based models
that can be adapted, selects the most viable candidate for adaptation, and suggests such adaptations.

Key words: Innovation value chain, webs of innovation value chain, actors, stakeholders, network, agent‐based modelling, simulation

Introduction: This report contains a qualitative description of the simulation model for the IAMRRI project. The research target of the IAMRRI project is building a dynamic model of webs of innovation value chains
(IVCs), in the context of additive manufacturing (AM), and identifying the openings for doing responsible research and innovation (RRI). To achieve this target, we first need to develop an
understanding of the system of innovation in additive manufacturing, including who the involved actors are, how they interact, and how RRI may be relevant to the activities they carry out. This
understanding, which will be derived from a theoretical conceptual model in the Deliverable 2.4 (Final conceptual model on web of innovation value chains in additive manufacturing) in the present project
and interviews with key stakeholders (in WP6), will then form the basis of a model that we will develop using agent‐based modelling (ABM) simulation methodology. This report, Deliverable D3.1, aims at
building a baseline model describing the most essential details of the AM ecosystem and incorporating RRI openings into the model so that it can be translated into a simulation model in the next step.


Authors: Enrico Cozzoni, Grado Zero Espace; Cristina Ponsiglione, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples

Year of publishing: 2022

Abstract: The deliverable contains the description of the final IAMRRI AB model (v0.2), including its first verification and the description of refinements implemented between the versions v0.1 and v0.2.

Key word: Agent-Based modelling, simulation, additive manufacturing, innovation value chains, responsible research and innovation

Introduction: The deliverable contains the final description of the IAMRRI AB model also known as IAMRRI SKIN model, in its version v0.21, including the description of verification steps and the refinements imple-mented with respect to the version of the model presented in the Deliverable 3.3, the version v0.12.
The deliverable it is divided into the following main parts.
Demonstrator’s brief presentation, in which the model it is briefly presented, and are reported the links to some videos that describe the more significant parts of the IAMRRI SKIN model as demonstrator: interface (introduction), model set-up, model run, outputs, and outputs down-load.
The verification of the IAMRRI SKIN model, where the “verification” process is presented, for the version of the model as proposed into the deliverable D3.3. The verification it is also ac-companied by the presentation of the preliminary simulation experiments (a more detailed discussion about the simulations outputs will be provided in the deliverable D5.2).
The model refinements introduced in the IAMRRI SKIN model between v0.1 and v0.2, with the presentation of the related simulation experiments (a more detailed description will be pro-vided in the deliverable D5.2).
The “verification” process of the refined version of the model, the version v0.2.

An appendix, including the tables of the last “verification” carried out on the final version of the IAMRRI SKIN model (v0.2), and the bibliographic references, conclude the deliverable. .....


Authors: Enrico Cozzoni (GZE), Cristina Ponsiglione, Carmine Passavanti (University of Naples), Brigitte Kriszt, Christina Windisch-Kern (Montanuniversitaet)

Year of Publishing: 2022

Abstract: The deliverable contains the collection of all scenarios and assumptions, model input data, simulations results, including calibration of the model and summary of the main insights coming from the simulations; first results from gaming simulations are shown

Key words: Agent-Based modelling, simulation, additive manufacturing, innovation value chains, responsible research and innovation

Introduction: The deliverable D5.2 contains the collection of all scenarios and assumptions, model input data, simulations re-sults, including calibration of the model and summary of the main insights coming from the simulations. The deliverable represents a natural consequence of the deliverable D5.1, in which we have reported the fol-lowed verification steps, the relative experiments, and the refinements implemented with respect to the first version of the model presented in the deliverable D3.3 (v0.1). The deliverable collects the simulation results that come from 2 sequential analyses conducted in the develop-ment phase of the model, which have distinguished the evolution from version 1 (v0.1) of the IAMRRI AB model, to version 2 (v0.2). The first simulation analysis was aimed at a general revision, without any verticalization or in-depth analysis on particular or detailed research questions, it is the one that led to the first version of the model. On this analysis, and on this version of the model, a verification of the functioning and compliance of the model was carried out through simulations, to assess, mainly that this was not self-referential, but that it was able to describe the dy-namics of innovation and diffusion of RRI practices, as seen in the use cases (real and retrospective). .......


Authors: Jimenez Iturriza, I., Arroyo, A., Luomaranta, T., Martinsuo, M., Hörlesberger, M., Cozzoni, E., Kriszt B., Nguyen, N., Sobota, V., van de Kaa, G. & Soetanto, D.

Year of Publishing: 2022

Abstract: This deliverable draws lessons and provide strategic recommendations based  on the findings of the research work that has been conducted in IAMRRI.
Particularly, the recommendations are based on the openings identified by  analysing the results of IAMRRI research activities, focusing on identifying the best options
to implement RRI within additive manufacturing (AM) webs of  innovation value chains (WIVC).

Key Words: RRI, Innovation value chain, webs of innovation value chain, actors,  stakeholders, future research actions, recommendations

Introduction: The aim of this deliverable is to draw lessons and provide strategic recommendations based on the findings of the research work that has been conducted in IAMRRI.
Particularly, the recommendations  are based on the openings identified by analysing the results of IAMRRI research activities, focusing on identifying the best options to implement
RRI within additive manufacturing (AM) webs of innovation value chains (WIVC). Therefore, the results that we have considered in this work derive from: the  conceptual analysis  of  the  behaviour  of RRI within  the additive manufacturing webs  of innovation value chains (WIVC); the findings of several use cases conducted within the project;
from the modelling exercise and the outcomes of the simulations carried out in IAMRRI and from the IAMRRI foresight process. .............


D6.3 Report on AM future scenarios and strategies

Authors: Marianne Hörlesberger, Andrea Kasztler, Beatrix Wepner (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Innovations Systems and Policy)

Year of publishing: 2022

Abstract: Four future scenarios for the AM webs of innovation value chains and their open-ings for RRI are co-created, described, discussed, and their chances and risks elabo-rated.

Key words: Foresight key factors, scenario development, fu-ture thinking, foresight

Introduction: Developing futures within co-creation stakeholder workshops supports the implementation of RRI as-pects into additive manufacturing webs of innovation value-chains (Spring et al., 2019). Foresight in combination with stakeholder involvement is an excellent foundation for accomplishing concrete strat-egies and action. When considering an innovation ecosystem, the developed strategies are more suc-cessful if the stakeholders are representatives from quadruple helix, such as industry & business, sci-ence & research, public administration, and civil society. There are various methodologies for accom-plishing a foresight. In IAMRRI a scenario technique approach is applied because it is very structured, and it offers the possibility for engaging the stakeholders even in complicated analyses. When the pro-cess of the stakeholder co-creation actions should be successful, it has to be diverse & Inclusive, antic-ipative & reflective, open & transparent, and responsive & adaptive to change. Therefore, the RRI pro-cess dimensions are covered easily by our approach. The RRI policy agendas or RRI keys, such as ethics, gender equality, public engagement, science education, open access, are analysed and worked out for each scenario and accompanied the foresight process from the beginning. Within IAMRRI the following four scenarios were co-created........



Authors: Marianne Hörlesberger, Beatrix Wepner, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Brigitte Kriszt, Montanuniversitaet Leoben

Year of publishing: 2022

Abstract: The report reflects mainly the recommendations derived from the panel dis-cussion during the IAMRRI Future Talk. It underlines that innovation can be more successful if RRI is applied properly. Foresight processes combined with stakeholder involvement reflect a main part of the RRI approach. The IAMRRI SKIN Model and the followed simulation supports decision makers.

Key words: Dynamic development in AM, Foresight support RRI implementation, recommendations

Introduction: The final event of the IAMRRI project was a future conference, called an IAMRRI Future Talk. A future talk is a dialogue among different stakeholders who bring in different experiences and expertise. In this way, the topic to be discussed is placed in a broader context, or in an innovation system as in our case, and viewed from different points of view. In this way, future measures that are necessary for all stakeholders can be better outlined. Based on the scenarios developed in the project, the future talk firstly considers the status quo and assesses the current state of knowledge. Next, identified upcoming trends are discussed and future developments are highlighted. Based on this, recommendations can follow. This report derives recommendations based on the discussions with the panellists.......



Authors: Brigitte Kriszt (MUL)

Year of publishing: 2022

Abstract: The IAMRRI project held within WP6 an online conference on the outcomes of the project and initiated several future panel discussions. The event was held September 8th and 9th 2021. This deliverables is the report on the documentation of the future talk event. Booklet and videos can be accessed on

Keywords: Report “The IAMRRI BOOKLET” and videos online availability

Summary: This deliverable serves as documentation for the online publication of “The IAMRRI BOOKELT” and the videos produced by the IAMRRI project. Both “The IAMRRI BOOKLET” and the videos give information on the project results and outcomes of the IAMRRI project. These activities are under open access, following the “Creative Commons CC BY- SA”. The IAMRRI Booklet is a collection of the written documentation of the “IAMRRI FUTURE Talk” event. The contribution, such as talks or future discussions, given in kind of extended abstracts and summaries1. The IAMRRI Booklet offers an excellent overview on the research work and outcomes of the IAMRRI project in a comprehensive and public oriented way. The DOI ( was already been set and the file was already available at PURE repository of the Montanuniversitaet by the end of September 2021. Within the IAMRRI project several videos were produced. Already during the research period 2000 -2021 videos were recorded by the project members intending to explain outcomes of the project. All videos can be followed on the IAMRRI webpage or the IAMRRI twitter social media account. Both the booklet and the videos are documentations of the project results and aim to give a public audience an overview of the complex topic of networks from innovation value chains taking into account the Responsible Research and Innovation approach. Scientifically oriented presentations can be found in the publications from the IAMRRI project, these are available as open access publications.


Test Strategy for Material Qualification of AM Produced Ceramics for Implants and Dental Applications 

Authors: T. Lube, S. Endt, Department of Materials Sciences, (Montanuniversitaet Leoben), M. Schwentenwein, J. Rabitsch (Lithoz GmbH),

Date of publishing:  Oct. 2021  
Type of Document: Public report, published on the webpage of the IAMRRI project 
Keyworks: Testing of AM ceramic implant according to already existing standards, lessons learned, developing new testing procedures for research 

Introduction: The Chair of Structural and Functional Ceramics (ISFK) at the Department of Materials Science at the Montanuniversitaet Leoben joined the work package “Use case” at the product development phase to conduct material testing on the AM ceramics used to build a demonstrator implant.
ISFK is experienced in understanding interrelations between material microstructure and manufacturing processes and properties. Extended knowledge about these aspects has been gained on modern AM processes and materials. The competence is used to identify necessary modifications of materials and/or design considerations for specific applications. To this end ISFK is equipped for mechanical characterization of ceramics. Predefinded standardized methods are performed and critically interpreted and research is also conducted to enhance and/or develop methods directly applicable to components. ISFK is a research lab which follows standard procedures for materials testing if required, but is not an accredited testing facility......



Research Insights - IAMRRI Software


"IAMRRI SKIN Model"  : The IAMRRI SKIN model was also made public through a GitHub repository where the code can be downloaded:  Click for Download

"IAMRRI SKIN Model" Software Code: Version 1 - Click for Download; IAMRRI SKIN Model Software Code Version 2 (include role of NGO) - Click for Download 


The aim of I AM RRI project is to develop a complex network model of AM innovation chains and their associated processes, which is directed towards RRI, at all levels.

The model developed (IAMRRI SKIN model - v0.1), coded in NetLogo using an Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) approach, originated as an extension of the already existing SKIN model, and it is mainly focused on the study of IVCs, webs of IVCs and especially their openings for RRI. The IAMRRI SKIN model incorporates complexity, covering various stages of the IVC life, mainly: idea generation and product developemnt. The development of the innovation process goes through phases in which the Capabilities (large domains of knowledge), and the Abilities (applications in these domains), needed for an idea to be further developed, are not well defined. It is therefore essential the cooperation among Agents and the creation of networks of IVCs.

Moreover, unlike SKIN, from which IAMRRI SKIN derives, the innovation process develops through different ticks and it is not obtained just in one model running cycle. Each IVC phase modelled covers a defined number of running cycles, defined as a result of the study conducted into the IAMRRI project. 

The implemented IVC phases are, as mentioned above, mainly two:

  1. Idea generation (3 ticks).
  2. Product development (12 ticks).

This choice derives from the study of use-cases present into the IAMRRI project, that cover two specialisations of the AM Industry: Automotive & Biomedical. The main time-related assumption made by the project is that 1 tick equals to 1 month. Additionally, as main difference between SKIN and IAMRRI SKIN, the decisions and the behavior of the Agents are not only price-related and cost-related, but time-related and especially RRI-related.

Each Agent is equipped with three RRI state variables representing RRI inclinations that are translated into the model in the following 3 keys:

  • Open Access.
  • Public Engagement.
  • Ethical Thinking.

These keys profoundly influence the decision-making process.

Other relatively minor extensions have been introduced to adapt the IAMRRI SKIN model to Automotive and Biomedical use-cases. A double-industry model has been built, in which five different types of Agents’ breeds - particular typologies of AgentSet endowed with particular variables, interact between them also participating to more networks simultaneously. The five types of breeds implemented are:

  1. AM-techs
  2. Suppliers
  3. Customers
  4. OEMs
  5. Research-insts

Other Agents like the Funding Organizations and the Standard Organizations are modeled in terms of aggregated entities - in the version of the model v0.1Funding Organizations and Standard Organizations are modelled as environmental-global variables.

Readmore about IAMRRI SKIN under or under the deliverables D5.1 and D5.2

Credits: The IAMRRI SKIN Model is based on the SKIN model.  [Gilbert, Nigel, Ahrweiler, Petra and Pyka, Andreas (2010). The SKIN (Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks) model. University of Surrey, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and University of
Hohenheim. Copyright 2003 - 2017 Nigel Gilbert, Petra Ahrweiler and Andreas Pyka. All rights reserved. Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted, provided that both of the following requirements are followed: a) this copyright notice is included. b) this model will not be redistributed for
profit without permission and c) the requirements of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License are complied with. Link:]
