Online lecture on "Characterisation of Nanocrystals for Optics and Energy Storage"

Watch the online lecture about the use of X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) on Nanostructures

In this online lecture (including transparencies and video) R.T. Lechner presents a part of the research topics of the "Nanomaterials and Scattering Group" of the Institute of Physics. The 20 min presentation was recorded during the Exner-Lecture 2017 ( at the Palais Eschenbach in Vienna. The Exner-Lectures were organised to honour the two winners of the Exner Medal 2017. The Exner Medal is awarded by the "Österreischischer Gewerbeverein (Austrian Association of Entrepreneurs)" since 1921 to honour international experts promoting industry via outstanding scientific achievements. The prize winning talks are accompanied by talks of Austrian experts on the related research fields.

Link to the video (including slides)
